The Life of Jeremy Donaldson


Chapter Title

Text For Testing Finish after work the next day.This will be where the text content of the library will go. The text within the section should be inviting to read. The End. Edit this text Highly formated area - design flex box. We have the basic format for the website nearly finished. In the next couple hours I will embark on building a purpose and defining a lifelong content mission. I hope to leave a library of philosophy for generations later to study. As I plan these next few Steps, I need to keep in mind that my time is has Value, to remember to be effective with my time towards this errand. However, this technology should allow me to build an awful lot of information into one location rather quickly. So maybe a time breakdown would include, Building the library of resources, for my own inspiration and for others, recording my thoughts while studying and building this place. For now and for some time after this will be me talking to myself. My hope is one day to have a good and open correspondence with those interested in similar topics. As a back up thought - I still have 3 other websites to build. This one should serve as good model for the others as well. These words are a rough outline for the main pages of my website.

1. Photo of the Week(POTW) - I will try to take more photos in my life. Not to become a photographer, but to have really cool photo albums when I am old. I think we lost that aspect of life that families used to keep albums to awkwardly show our lives off to new visitors. I will try to add a poll and post across the platforms for a winner. 52 Annual winners will compete for photo of the year. First Contestants -