Atlas Agora

The path of mental fortitude

Welcome students today and future. To think. A foundational proponent to our development, withers from an onslaught of poisons. Mountains of information stacked each upon a predecessor's progress becomes halted, scorned, inept, and cumbersome. Losers think for themselves as the herd continues promptly toward the edge of the cliff. Dare to chose a path of survival, you will offend our retarded counterparts.

We shouldn't feel too sorry if we examine our dire circumstances thusly,

That the world was largely illiterate before Gutenberg and humanity went along, not knowing they were supposed to be schooled or educated. Knowledge was guarded by the elites, and those without means nor effort, should not waste effort on something unattainable. Not to mention that one scribble of rebellion might become a stamp of an wildfire idea.

The global elites now hold a 100 year advantage in the understanding of psychology, addiction, behavior patterns and really can predict the opinion and daily routine for most of their useless eaters. For example if you see a certain profile photo in support of the tell lie vision's current narrative, then you know they support the climate farce, globohomo, ukraine, etc. They became part of a political party without knowing they chose an association at all. We dare not speak the name of the Voldemort directly as we examine those who create distinctions such as goy, classes, castes, permanent inequality, slavery and death.

As for the lemming class, we have the tough choice of whether or not to be sentimental over their certain death. To call out to our favorite among the dummies, hoping to dissuade their determination to die. My advice would be to remove your free association from those who aren't going to get it, nor understand. If they noticed your opinion before they may wonder where it has gone, more likely, they will continue to use their brain like trash. With some respects, keep a network of family or close friends who may like to discuss philosophy or geo politcs. Remember in our current dystopia, wrongthink can attract the wrong attention. Silence is golden, when the birds work for the state.

As our KGB defector Yuri told us. Paraphrase, the left is only used for the destabilization and demoralization of a culture. They think they will get a reward or ribbon for clapping like a monkey when they were told, yet they will be referred in history as the human shield, fattened cannon fodder.
« Lined up along the wall and shot. »
This is the price of communism permeating through the schools and creating misguided adults. Lenin predicted he could convert a country given the youth for 4 years.

Thus the fat lazy mindless hoard, some of which are our family and friends, when no longer useful in naming our thought crimes and dissenters, we will go to gulag, they will go to the dirt.

If my efforts fail, our posterity will exist again in constant servitude. Thus, if my generation does fall to the international regime, may this depository serve as a branch to the past. When life had color, fresh air, nostalgia, America was the happiest and most free, I saw it when I was young. No matter how grim and gray the years to follow become, we knew freedom in its most vibrant colors imaginable.

Library -

Independence. The answer to tyranny begins by saying no. Then choosing a different path, setting out upon it. When asked if I consent to the government, the answer is no. Indulge, oblige, suffer, put up with, maybe! Without consent, we are instructed to alter or abolish. Yet, I think the easiest action is to walk away and establish new with better consent. The current so called leaders think we value their opinion, or fear the entire apparatus. I predict that America will break into new states soon and on their own. The current media complex and all federal employees are about to be fired, we already left them behind, they just haven't realized they are guard dogs of empty house. The debt, the blame for social security, medical, pensions, going unpaid will remain with these few promises, made upon our effort, which we refuse to further lend, rather our children be born into certain slavery. Justice is blind in the sense that the crimes perpetrated against the American's was supposed to be swept under a rug, ignored out of sight out of mind. We just took the weight you placed on our shoulders and cast it aside. You standing from your high place will crash down among the rubble of the burden you thought we would carry. We will reset the scales of justice.

It is not extreme to want out of an abusive relationship. It is honorable to show others through your free association that you are no longer considered involved at all with the so called government.

John Taylor Gatto

Prez Dummy

Prez Real

G. Edward Griffin

Old Set Up

All social interaction towards the political world will be through this mind organization. I will try to seperate my other entrepreneurial pursuits and personal life at least for now.

They Live

The Bad Guys Example: Soros

New World Order

History is being written for us. Those who are smart will fight with me now, those who chose wrong will fall into the dustbin of history. Save your friends and family from the NWO.
A comparison of the authority under which the convention acted, and their form of government, will show that they have despised their delegated power, and assumed sovereignty; that they have entirely annihilated the old confederation, and the particular governments of the several States, and instead thereof have established one general government that is to pervade the union; constituted on the most unequal principles, destitute of accountability to its constituents, and as despotic in its nature, as the Venetian aristocracy; a government that will give full scope to the magnificent designs of the well-horn, a government where tyranny may glut its vengeance on the low-born, unchecked by an odious bill of rights. . . ; and yet as a blind upon the understandings of the people, they have continued the forms of the particular governments, and termed the whole a confederation of the United States, pursuant to the sentiments of that profound, but corrupt politician Machiavel, who advises
any one who would change the constitution of a state to keep as much as possible to the old forms; for then the people seeing the same officers, the same formalities, courts of justice and other outward appearances, are insensible of the alteration, and believe themselves in possession of their old government.
Thus Caesar, when he seized the Roman liberties, caused himself to be chosen dictator (which was an ancient office), continued the senate, the consuls, the tribunes, the censors, and all other offices and forms of the commonwealth; and yet changed Rome from the most free, to the most tyrannical government in the world. . . .